NYSTA Bylaws


The name of this Organization shall be the New York State Turfgrass Association, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Association”) as incorporated under the Not-For-Profit law of the State of New York.

Organization Purpose

The objectives of this Association shall be: to develop unity among persons interested in turfgrass; to promote the professionalism of all aspects of the turfgrass industry; to advance the techniques of turfgrass production; to have mutual concern about cultural problems in turfgrass management; to disseminate information concerning activities and practices in turfgrass management and production; to meet the educational needs of the turfgrass manager or producer; and to provide financial and oral support for the turfgrass research program in New York State.


Section 1: Any person or organization shall be eligible for membership under one of the following classifications:

(a) Individual memberships are open to all persons involved with the turfgrass industry and include all rights and privileges including voting and holding office.

(b) Multiple memberships are available for three or more persons from the same company, club or organization. These representatives have the same privileges as the individual member.

(c) Honorary membership shall be extended to those individuals who are in position to render special services in furthering the objectives of the Association when, in the opinion of the majority of the Board of Directors, the extension of such membership is desirable. Honorary members may serve in any advisory capacity but shall not pay dues, vote or hold elective office.

(d) Student membership in the Association shall be extended to those persons who are enrolled full time in a turfgrass or related curriculum at an institution of higher education. Students may have the privileges of the individual member and may pay dues of ¼ of the individual member dues. They shall not vote or hold elective office.

(e) Retired membership may include any person who has retired from active participation in the turfgrass industry. Retired members shall be eligible to vote and serve on committees, but may not hold office. In the event of a question regarding the retired status of the member, the Executive Board will make the decision.

Section 2: Applications for membership shall be required in such form as shall be required by the Association.

Section 3: Upon admission to the Association each member or representative shall be given a membership card and/or plaque. Membership card shall not be transferable.

Board of Directors

Section 1: The Board of Directors shall consist of thirteen members as follows,




Nine (9) Directors

Past President

(a) Whenever possible when electing directors, the following areas of the state shall have representation: Western, Finger Lakes, Central, Northeast, Metropolitan, Long Island.

(b) The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer, and Past President. The Executive Board shall carry on the business of the Association when the Board of Directors is not in session, reporting their actions and recommendations at the next Board of Directors meeting.

(c) The directors shall be elected for a three-year term and shall not be elected for more than two successive terms.

(d) The terms of Directors shall be staggered so that no more than one third of the Directors will be retired in any one year.

(e) The President may, with approval of a majority of the Board of Directors, fill vacancies on the Board at any regular or special Board of Directors Meetings.

(f) Five directors shall constitute a quorum.

(g) Directors shall receive no compensation for their services except they may be reimbursed, not to exceed standard mileage rate by public transportation, for attendance at meetings of the Board of Directors, as determined by the Board.

(h) The Board of Directors may hire an Executive Director.

(i) The Board of Directors and its officers shall be charged with the custody of its funds and the Officers and Executive Director are to be covered with a surety bond, the premium of which is to be paid by the Association.

(j) An Officer or Director will be replaced if he/she is absent from Board meetings without cause 1) at three (3) consecutive meetings or 2) at 50% or more of the meetings of the year.


Section 1: Election

The Officers of the Association shall be President, Vice-President, and Secretary/Treasurer, to be elected from among the Board of Directors or from members who had previously been on the Board of Directors by a majority vote at the Annual Meeting of the Association.

Section 2: Term of Office

The term of office of the Officers of the Association shall be one year or until their successors are elected. Officers shall not be elected for more than two consecutive terms.

Section 3: Duties of Officers

(a) President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Board of Directors, and shall generally supervise its activities and the activities of the Executive Director, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. The President shall appoint committee chairs, shall be an ex-officio member of each committee, and shall not have a vote as a member of the Board of Directors except in the case of a deadlock.

(b) Vice-President: The Vice-President shall assume and exercise all functions of the President whenever the President shall be absent or otherwise unable to fulfill the duties of the office. The Vice-President shall also perform such other duties as may be assigned from time to time, by the President or Board of Directors.

(c) Secretary: The Secretary shall keep minutes of the Association, and shall attend to the mailing and delivery of all necessary notices on behalf of the Association. The Secretary shall make a full report of the Association at its Annual Meeting and to the Board of Directors, shall make all reports required by law, and shall deliver the books of the Association to the successor in the office. The Secretary may delegate these responsibilities to the Executive Director.

(d) Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive all funds of the Association and deposit it in an approved depository and disburse funds in accordance with instructions of the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall keep full and accurate accounts of all the financial transactions of the Association and make a full report to members at the Annual Meeting and to the Board of Directors as required, and make all reports required by law. The Treasurer may delegate these responsibilities to the Executive Director.

Executive Director

Section 1: Duties of the Executive Director

(a) To maintain a permanent address for the use of the Association.

(b) To perform such duties as are required by the Officers and Board of Directors.

Section 2: Executive Board with the approval of the Board of Directors shall set compensation for the Executive Director.


Section 1: Annual Meeting

(a) The Annual Meeting of the Association shall be held in conjunction with the annual Turfgrass Conference: the exact date is to be determined by the Board of Directors.

(b) Special Meetings may be called by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors. Special Meetings may also be called by a majority of the Board of Directors.

(c) Notice of the Annual or Special Meeting shall be communicated by the Secretary at least two weeks prior to the Annual or Special Meeting, to each member at his/her address in the Association’s records.

(d) A quorum at an Annual Meeting shall consist of twenty-five members in good standing. Each member in good standing will be entitled to cast one vote. There shall be no voting by proxy.


Section 1: Committee Appointments

(a) The President with the approval of the Board of Directors shall appoint all committee chairs and approve their committee members.

Section 2: Standing Committees

The following are the standing committees of the Organization:

1) Awards

2) Communications

3) Education

4) Finance

5) Foundation

6) Government Relations

7) Membership

8) Nominating

9) Trade Show

Section 3: Ad Hoc committees may be appointed by the President with approval of the Board of Directors as is deemed necessary for furthering the interests of the Association.


Section 1: Dues Schedule

(a) The schedule of dues for membership in the Association shall be set by the Board of Directors.

(b) The fiscal year of the corporation is to be the calendar year.

(c) Past Presidents are exempt from paying dues.


Section 1: All meetings will be conducted according to Roberts Rules of Order. Where any conflict exists between Roberts Rules of Order and these Bylaws, these Bylaws shall prevail.


Section 1: Amendments to the Bylaws may be made by a two-thirds vote at the Annual or Special Meeting of the Association, providing a notice specifically enumerating the changes in the Bylaws is communicated to each member with the notice of the meeting.


Section 1: Any matter relating to any subject not covered in these Bylaws or by Roberts Rules of Order shall be decided by a majority vote of the Board of Directors at either a special or regular meeting of the Board or by mail ballot of the Board Members. Vote by proxy in proper form shall be permitted.

MS Word Version of NYSTA Bylaws