(Please note: Links contained withn copy of the NYSTA On-line Newsletters were correct at time of original publication. Some links may have changed or been removed since the original publication date.)
BMP Case Study - Enhancing Habitat for Native Pollinators with Low-to-No Maintenance Areas
BMP Case Study - Protecting Pollinators on the Golf Course - PDF
BMP Case Study - Protecting Pollinators on the Golf Course - VIDEO
BMP Case Study - Reducing Environmental Impact of Pest Management
BMP Case Study - Integrating BMPs to Increase Sustainability
BMP Case Study - Opportunities for Improvement of Wash Pad Operations
BMP Case Study - Enhancing Habitat for Native Pollinators with Low-to-No Maintenance Areas
Pesticide Product Search Is Online
DEC Clarifies Regulations for Pesticide Spraying for Stinging Insects
Improving Predictions of White Grub Distribution in Turfgrass
Tick IPM Information and Survey
The Many Benefits of Tall Fescue Extend Belowground
The Hairy Chinch Bug in New York State
Vertebrate Foraging for Soil Insects
Tolerance/Resistance to Annual Bluegrass Weevil Among Bentgrasses
The Sod Webworms in New York State
Invasive European Crane Flies in New York State
Civitas Alters Grass Leaf Genetic Expression
Influence of Low Maintenance and Organic Lawns on Surface and Ground Water Quality
IPM for Turfgrass Disease Management- What Works?
Using Organic Herbicides on School Grounds
Getting More Roots with Less Nitrogen
Staying Off Target: Turf Insecticides Impact Arthropod Communities, But Do We Need to Care?
Regulatory Restrictions on Pesticides in Turf
What the FRAC (HRAC and IRAC)? Rotating Chemistries to Slow the Development of Pesticide Resistance